Season beginning and course at the Cinquantenaire

Hello everyone,

Our first season has started really well and we’d like to thank our students who are already showing a lot of enthusiasm and dedication in their practice.
We’ve taken a few pictures of our first class that you can see here.

For those who might have missed the start, have no worries, you are very welcome all year long. Don’t hesitate to pass by if you want to discover our martial art.

In order to enjoy the end of the summer, we are organizing a course at the Cinquantenaire park this Friday 11th of September from 6pm30 to 8pm. Afterwards, we are going to share a drink together to get acquainted outside of the tatamis. If you are in the area, take some time to ask us any questions you might have, we’d be delighted to provide you all the answers you need.

Here is the link for the event.

See you there!